Voice Disorders
At the UC Davis Center for Voice and Swallowing we offer a unique multidisciplinary approach to the evaluation and treatment of voice disorders. A team consisting of a board-certified, fellowship-trained laryngologist and a Speech-Language Pathologist work together to provide a comprehensive evaluation including high definition video imaging of the larynx, acoustic analysis of the voice, aerodynamic evaluations of airflow and pressure, and perceptual evaluations of vocal quality. Voice therapy is often recommended as the first line of treatment for voice problems. It is led by a Speech-Language Pathologist and focuses on behavioral changes for the patient including improved vocal hygiene, increasing perceptual awareness of the voice, and changing the mechanics of voice use. There is also a heavy emphasis on patient education about voice anatomy and physiology.
Conditions we treat:
- vocal fold paresis or paralysis
- polyps
- nodules
- cysts
- papilloma
- leukoplakia
- Reinke’s edema
- hemorrhage
- glottic web
- vocal process granuloma
- vocal fold scar