Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) Fellowship
2025 EBP Fellowship
The 7th annual EBP Fellowship program starts in February 2025. Each year, applications for the EBP Fellowship are due at the end of October. All applications for this fellowship opportunity are reviewed by the EBP & Research Council. Applicants are notified of acceptance in late November or early December. For questions or information about other EBP programming opportunities, reach out to the Center for Nursing Science or the EBP and Research Council.
2024 EBP Fellowship Participants and 2018 Inaugural EBP Fellowship Participants
UC Davis Health EBP Fellowship
Originally launched in 2017 to support nurses in implementing practice changes based on the best available evidence, the EBP Fellowship has since expanded to include clinicians from across the healthcare team. This program offers professionals from various disciplines to learn the steps of EBP and apply evidence-based interventions and strategies in their own practice areas. This broad reach strengthens interdisciplinary collaborations and enhances patient care and outcomes across the organization.
The objectives for this program include:
- Understand the Value of Evidence-based Practice:
Discuss the importance of EBP in enhancing healthcare quality, patient outcomes, and promoting a culture of clinical inquiry. Differentiate between the goals and applications of EBP, QI, and research and their role in enhancing clinical inquiry and patient outcomes. - Formulate a Clinical Question and Critically Appraise and Synthesize Evidence:
Learn to develop an effective PICOT or CoCoPop question, access resources, and evaluate internal and external evidence relevant to clinical inquiries. Critically appraise and synthesize evidence from various methodologies and levels to develop evidence-based recommendations for practice - Apply and Evaluate Evidence-based Practice Recommendations:
Explore methods for implementing EBP projects and measuring outcomes within UC Davis Health, including understanding the return on investment (ROI) and sustainability of EBP initiatives. - Communicate and Disseminate EBP Findings Effectively:
Prepare to communicate EBP findings clearly to stakeholders to maximize impact of organizational change. Discuss the importance of dissemination of EBP results through various formats such as presentations, posters, and manuscripts.
The EBP Fellowship is a mentorship program designed to help clinicians develop their leadership, problem-solving, and research utilization skills. The EBP Fellowship offers similar content to the EBP Immersive Training, but in a slower paced format comprised of six 4-hour seminars (Feb-Mar-Apr, Sept-Oct-Nov). Participants identify a practice issue that may be addressed or improved by applying the latest evidence into practice. Throughout the program, Fellows are mentored in the development, implementation, and evaluation of EBP projects by an EBP Specialist, Clinical Nurse Scientists, EBP Mentors, and health system Librarians. Culmination of work is presented at the annual Nursing Science and Professional Governance Conference in May. Visit the conference webpage to access videos of past EBP Fellowship presentations.
Daniel Benjamin, L.C.S.W., Department of Clinical Social Services – Screening for Social Determinants of Health in a Pediatric Hospital
Sandy Hale, M.S.N., RN, P.C.C.N., CNIII, E6 Cardiothoracic PCU – Cardiac Chair vs. Chair Position in the Bed: What is the Difference?
Rachel White, C.P.O., Dept. of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation – Best Practice for Scoliosis Brace Correction and Comfort
Teddy Pawloski, B.S.N., RN, CNII, D8 Oncology/Bone Marrow Transplant – Improving Sleep for the Oncology/BMT Patient
Jonathan Fernandez, P.T., D.P.T., Dept. of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation – Physical Therapy to Optimize Disposition on Patients Post Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement
Jenna Liss Druce, B.S.N., RN, C.H.P.N., HHNIII, Inpatient Hospice – Caring for Those Who Cannot Speak: Respiratory Distress in Patients at End of Life
Emily Jang, CNII, Burn Unit - Alternative Pain Management in the Burn ICU
Cynthia Esplana, CNIII, Davis 5 NICU - Implement Routine Post-Partum Depression (PPD) Screening for Mothers of Infants in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU)
Lourdes Grano, CNII, Transplant Clinic - Cultural best practices in kidney transplant patients in the Pre-operative settings
Susana Noel, CNIII, CTICU - Evidenced-Based Approaches to Improve Communication and Overcome Language Barriers in Hospitalized Patients
Martha Benavides, NP, Inpatient Glycemic Team - Discharge guidelines for patients with diabetes who have heart conditions from a Cardiac Nursing unit
Fiona Madigan, Staff Developer, PACU – Reduction and Management of Postoperative Urinary Retention after Spinal Anesthesia
Lisa Peterson, CNII, OR – Intraoperative Pediatric Pressure Injury Prevention
Al Nutt, CN II, MICU – Best Practices in indwelling urinary catheter management in the ICU
Elizabeth (Liz) Clifton, CN III, Emergency Department – Alarm fatigue in the ED
Kelly Hoppin, CN II, Emergency Department – Preventing hemolyzed venipuncture samples in the ED
Maribel Vera, CN III, NICU – Palliative care in the NICU
Rachael Viale, CN III, NSICU – Palliative care and goals of care conversations in the NSICU
Stacey Camposagrado, CN III, CTICU – Thirst in the critically ill NPO patient
Breanna Carlson, CN III, CTICU – Evidence-based eye assessment and care in the ICU
Corbin Curtis, CN II, NSICU – Pupillometry in neurocritical care
Sherri Twardzik, CN III, CTICU - Improved interdisciplinary communication in the ICU
Jennifer Perisho, CN III, CTICU - Decreasing extubation times post cardiac surgery in the CTICU
Justin Massaro, CN II, SICU/ED - Providing evidence evidence-based and analgesia to newly intubated patients in the emergency department.
Sherry Allen, CN III, SICU - Evidence-based nursing practices for Massive Transfusions in the SICU
Kywaita Keys, CN II, Ortho/Trauma Unit - Delirium recognition in geriatric patients on an orthopedic unit