Evidence-Based PracticeUC Davis Health is committed to prioritizing Evidence-Based Practice. Nurses, working as part of the interdisciplinary healthcare team, use research to provide evidence-based care that promotes quality outcomes for individuals, families, and our community aligned with our mission to provide science-based, technologically precise, compassionately delivered nursing care. The term “evidence-based practice” refers to a problem-solving approach that integrates the use of best available research evidence but also considers internal evidence, clinical expertise and patient values, preferences, and circumstances in care delivery (Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt, 2023; Sackett, et al. 1996).

The Center for Nursing Science offers a range of programs designed to meet the diverse learning needs of our staff, from learning EBP methodology to mentoring others in improving outcomes. Understanding that adult learners have unique preferences, our current offerings (and those in development) are tailored to provide flexible learning experiences for all. As healthcare is a multidisciplinary effort, these programs are open to the entire healthcare team, with the ultimate goal of making our institution evidence-based in all areas.

For more information or to explore these opportunities please refer to the EBP Programming page or reach out to the Center for Nursing Science at hs-nursescience@ucdavis.edu

Let us know how we can support your curiosity!