crest theater and capital books at night

Discount of the month and other bright spots for employees


Employee engagement, recognition and wellness are crucial for the individual employee’s benefit as well as a healthier, more productive and successful workplace overall.

So, each month, we’ll shine the spotlight on ways to bring your best to work and recognize the best in your colleagues at UC Davis Health.

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'Discounts of the month and other bright spots'

Recognize someone for a BEST Reward

Has someone on your team recently gone above and beyond or simply lent you a helping hand? Start the summer by sharing gratitude and brightening a colleague's day!

You can acknowledge and reward your UC Davis Health colleagues in one of  two ways using the BEST Rewards online recognition system:

  • $25 e-gift card for the recipient's chosen store 
  • Non-monetary e-thank you 

Employees are limited to three monetary BEST Rewards per year due to tax regulations, so consider non-monetary thanks after reaching this limit.

Wellness resource spotlight

There are hundreds of resources offered by the university to support your health and improve your life. This month we're shining the light on:

Rome to Paris walking challenge

In a virtual walking-tracker challenge from Staff and Faculty Health and Well-Being, Employees can participate as an individual or with a team of four to 10 members to progress through a map from Rome to Paris.

By using the new BeWell (formerly Walker Tracker) platform*, you can enter your daily steps or other physical activity to move you and your team closer to the finish line. 

For more information, visit the event page.

Wellness Academy

The newly formed Office of Wellness Education within the UC Davis School of Medicine is offering a virtual program on wellness, open to all! This free lecture series will cover various wellness topics, including:

  • Food as fuel
  • Movement and strength
  • Mental wellness
  • Global and social issues

The Office of Wellness Education believes there are many paths to wellness, and seeks to educate participants on the science and impact behind how we make choices

Each session will take place from 9 a.m.— 12 p.m. every Saturday from Oct. 5 to Oct. 26. Registration is open now.

Register here

Discount spotlight

Capital Books

Employees can enjoy a relaxing day in midtown and browse brand-new books, games, puzzles, and cards at Capital Books on K st. 

This local alternative to ordering books online or driving to a chain store allows you to support local businesses and flip through pages before making a purchase. 

Discount: 15% off online and in-store

You can find other discounts for employees, faculty, and students on the HR website.

New facility dog cards

Some of the best patient care providers have four legs and a tail. And that’s why on National Dog Day (Aug. 26,) we honored our Canine Companions at the Children’s Hospital with their very own trading cards. 

Meet some of the canine crew here


Labor Day, Sept. 2, is an employee holiday.

Take note of the upcoming holidays and opportunities for awareness and appreciation this September:

  • Baby Safety Month
  • Childhood Cancer Awareness Month
  • Hispanic Heritage Month (Sept. 15-Oct. 15)
  • National Literacy Month
  • National Service Dog Month
  • Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month
  • Prostate Cancer Awareness Month
  • Labor Day (Sept. 2)
  • International Day of Charity (Sept. 5)
  • World Physical Therapy Day (Sept. 9)
  • World Suicide Prevention Day (Sept. 10)
  • Patriot Day (Sept. 11)
  • Stand Up to Cancer Day ( Sept 13)
  • World Alzheimer’s Day (Sept. 21)
  • Fall Equinox (Sept. 22)
  • World Pharmacist Day (Sept. 25)

Support for leaders

Make the most of WorkLife's Recognition Toolkit for Managers and Supervisors that highlights information and resources for acknowledging and rewarding  employees.

When employees are more engaged, their organization performs better – and data validates this.

A study by Deloitte found that companies who recognize their employees can experience up to a 14% increase in employee engagement, productivity, and performance. Likewise, recent research from Gallup indicates that organizations with highly engaged teams can experience a 23% increase in profitability, a 10% increase in customer loyalty, a 51% decrease in turnover for low-turnover organizations, and a 78% decrease in absenteeism, among other improved outcomes.