Jeffrey Hoch is the new interim director of the Center for Healthcare Policy and Research

Miriam Nuño joining the center’s leadership team as the interim associate director


Today, the Center for Healthcare Policy and Research (CHPR) announced changes to its leadership team. Professor Jeffrey Hoch is the new interim director, taking over from Anthony Jerant, professor and chair of the Department of Family and Community Medicine.

Jeffrey Hoch (left) Miriam Nuno (right)
CHPR's Interim Director Jeffrey Hoch (left) and Interim Associate Director Miriam Nuño. (right)

“We thank Dr. Jerant for his great leadership and service to CHPR,” Hoch said. “I look forward to further advancing the center's mission of facilitating research, promoting education and informing health policy.”

Hoch is the chief of the Division of Health Policy and Management at the Department of Public Health Sciences. He has served as associate director at CHPR since 2015. He is an award-winning teacher with research collaborations around the world and serves on the California Technology Assessment Forum and the BMC Cancer journal editorial board.

Miriam Nuño, a professor of biostatistics in the Department of Public Health Sciences, is replacing Hoch as the interim associate director. Nuño is an expert in mathematical epidemiology and biostatistics with a strong interest in big data analytics, public health and health disparities research.

“I am beyond thrilled to take on this role and look forward to advancing the important work being done at CHPR,” Nuño said.

About The Center for Healthcare Policy and Research

The Center for Healthcare Policy and Research’s (CHPR) mission is to facilitate research, promote education, and inform policy about health and healthcare. The goal is to improve the health of the public by contributing new knowledge about access, delivery, cost, quality and outcomes related to health care and providing rigorous evidence to policymakers and other stakeholders. CHPR executes its mission through interdisciplinary and collaborative research; education and career development; and research synthesis and dissemination. Learn about CHPR’s weekly seminar series and research themes and projects.