Wendell Villacarlos receives DAISY Nurse Leader Award


Chief Nursing Executive Christine Williams presented Wendell Villacarlos, BSM, RN, in Radiology, with a DAISY Nurse Leader Award for his dedication to our patients and his outstanding leadership.

Wendell Villacarlos, BSM, RN, in Radiology

A DAISY Award is part of The DAISY Foundation, an international program that recognizes nursing excellence. In memory of their son, Patrick, the Barnes family recalled the skillful and compassionate care Patrick received from his nurses during his eight-week hospitalization. They wanted to say “thank you” to nurses everywhere by establishing a recognition program – the DAISY Award for Extraordinary Nurses – to honor the superhuman work nurses do every day at the bedside.

From Wendell’s nominations:

I am nominating Wendell Villacarlos because he is an exemplary example of what leadership should look like, as well as being an amazing skilled and experienced nurse. 

I have been an RN for close to 20 years, and I can say without hesitation that Wendell is the best nurse leader I have ever had in numerous jobs at multiple institutions.

What makes Wendell so special, well the list is endless, but a few primary reasons for this nomination are as follows:

Wendell is someone who fosters a sense of pride to work in our department. He is not only a leader role model, who is smart, thorough and diligent, but also competent as a bedside nurse. He is efficient and highly skilled in patient care and excellent in a crisis situation.

He shows compassion, understanding and equality of care to all our patients (and to his staff).  He will jump in and help anyone and everyone. He is extremely approachable and will listen without prejudice and never shows impatience.

Wendell is very fair and makes everyone in our department feel appreciated daily, he always thanks us for our hard work and takes the time to ask how we are doing and is genuinely interested in staff feedback. He always is quick with a smile and humor to brighten every day at UC Davis. He makes us all enjoy coming to work.

He was instrumental for me personally in helping facilitate a difficult situation I was having with staff from a different department, that collaborates patient care with ours. Wendell listened to my concerns and thoughts, while giving the other department staff the same courtesy and was able to foster a sense of understanding between us and helped resolved this conflict, as we came up with a workable solution for everyone – all while making me feel heard and important as a valued staff member in radiology. 

I cannot think of a more deserving, selfless leader who should and NEEDS to be celebrated and recognized for the incredible environment he has created in our unit. He is an aspiration to all. 


Wendel deserves to receive the nurse DAISY Leader award. Wendel has been with UC Davis Medical Center since 2001.  He started in the emergency department in 2018 and joined Radiology as an ANII.

 Wendel is one of the most compassionate, caring and efficient nurse leaders I have worked with in my 25 years as a RN. There are many personality types and attitudes in radiology that Wendel has to deal with, and he is always kind, patient and adjustable with people.  Sadly, in radiology we have lost a few colleagues is the last year and Wendell helped everyone deal with our grief in the way that fit their needs. 

Also, there have been many family members of coworkers that have passed away and again with these deaths Wendell handles it with grace and understanding for coworkers. One coworker lost a husband and child and Wendel was there to support her through one of most difficult times in her life.

Whenever there is a patient that needs to go to ER after a procedure or exam, Wendel will help us coordinate and get the patient there as soon as possible. Wendel’s leadership style is to make sure coworkers follow the rules and he encourages us to do conflict resolution among ourselves.

Wendel is the calm among the storms.  Radiology can by insanely busy, short staffed and chaotic. During these times coworkers can be short tempered with each other. Wendel uses his leadership to help keep coworkers respectful with each other.

Besides the nurses that Wendel is a leader to, he is also a leader to child life, radiologists, ultrasound, CT and nuclear medicine technologists. 

Congratulations Wendell on receiving a DAISY Nurse Leader Award!