We have three Acting Internships in Obstetrics and Gynecology (OB-GYN) available to University of California, Davis (UC Davis) School of Medicine students. Although UC Davis students are given first priority, visiting students may also participate in these courses. Participating in a visiting rotation does not guarantee a residency interview.
OBG 470: Gynecologic Oncology Acting Internship
Instructor of Record: Melissa Pham, M.D., M.P.H.
Course Description: The goal of this AI is to learn more about the subspecialty of Gynecologic Oncology. The elective involves inpatient management of women admitted to the Gynecologic Oncology service for surgery, chemotherapy, and complications of gynecologic cancer and its treatments. Students will also gain experience with outpatient work up and follow up for gynecologic malignancies at our Comprehensive Cancer Center.
Course Prerequisites: 4th Year medical student standing is required to participate in this A.I.
Common Problems/Diseases Encountered: Gynecologic cancers (ovarian/fallopian tube/primary peritoneal, endometrial, cervical, vulvar, etc.), complex pelvic masses, abnormal uterine bleeding, perioperative care, complications of gynecologic cancers and their treatments, chemotherapy management (minimal).
Common Procedures Performed/Observed: With appropriate supervision, students will assist in clinic exams as well as open, laparoscopic, and robotic surgeries. Facing a cancer diagnosis can be a stressful experience for women, and their comfort and safety must be considered.
Duration: 4 weeks
Additional Requirements: Students will be expected to give a brief (15-20 min) oral presentation at the end of the rotation. The topic will be determined by the student and the IOR.
Comments: Students will have the option to take weekend call to gain exposure to Labor and Delivery and to work with a larger pool of house staff and faculty.
OBG 472: Family Planning and Reproductive Health Ambulatory Acting Internship
Instructor of Record: Melody Hou, M.D., M.P.H.
Course description: The focus of this AI is to learn more about the Gynecologic Subspecialty of Family Planning. Counseling and provision of contraceptive methods, experience with pelvic ultrasounds, management of spontaneous, inevitable and induced abortion and post-abortion care by both surgical and medical techniques are included. Abortion is considered an integral part of this rotation, and the student is expected to participate in the full range of family planning services. The student is also welcome and encouraged to participate in ongoing family planning research projects.
Course Prerequisites: 4th Year medical student standing is required to participate in this A.I.
Common Procedures Performed/Observed: Abortion is considered an integral part of this rotation, and the student is expected to participate in the full range of family planning services. The amount of hands-on experience will vary from clinic to clinic. Being in clinic can be a difficult experience for some family planning patients, and the patient’s comfort level must be considered.
Duration: 4 weeks
OBG 475: Perinatology/Labor and Delivery Acting Internship
Instructor of Record: Debra Swanson, M.D.
Course description: This elective involves direct inpatient management of women on the UC Davis Medical Center Labor and Delivery unit, including care of antepartum and complicated postpartum patients. Students will also rotate through the ambulatory setting.
Course Prerequisites: 4th Year medical student standing is required to participate in this A.I.
Common Problems/Diseases Encountered: This course will focus on high-risk pregnancy including preeclasmpsia, preterm labor, PPROM, DM, infectious diseases affecting pregnancy, maternal medical conditions affecting pregnancy, abnormal fetal conditions and postpartum complications.
Common Procedures Performed/Observed: Students may assist with vaginal deliveries, cesarean sections and fetal ultrasonography. However, the emphasis is on medical management of complicated pregnancies.
Duration: 4 weeks
Additional Comments/Requirements: Students will be expected to make a brief oral presentation at the end of their rotation, the topic will be arranged with one of the course chairs.
Grading Criteria: This is an Honors/Pass/Fail course. Student evaluations are compiled by the IOR after receiving feedback from the residents and attending physicians on service. To receive Honors, the student is required to receive excellent clinical feedback, AND participate in an academic exercise, such as a case report, a research project, a quality improvement review, protocol development or teaching project.
Comments: Weekend duty is only related to whether or not the student is placed on call that day.
UC Davis students may register via eFlight.
If you are a visiting student, the application is managed by the Office of the Registrar.
To encourage fourth year students who are underrepresented in medicine and/or from economically disadvantaged backgrounds to apply for a clinical elective at UC Davis, our Department offers a Health Equity Visiting Scholars Program in Obstetrics and Gynecology (PDF). Please direct further questions to Melody Hou, M.D. or Taha Gilani or 916-734-0221.
The Office of Student and Resident Diversity at UC Davis offers a 4th year Visiting Elective Program that provides financial, housing and mentoring support.
The department does not host students visiting from non-U.S. schools. If you are a physician not from the U.S. who is interested in visiting our hospital, please contact Hong Liu, M.D. of the International Center.
We have an advising program for fourth year UC Davis School of Medicine students applying for Ob/Gyn residency. Fourth year students select a primary advisor from a small core of advisors, overseen by Melody Hou, M.D., to act as a mentor through the application process.