Neuropsychologists, Rehabilitation Psychologists, and Health Psychologists

A patient's state of mind affects the extent to which he or she will benefit from rehabilitation and make a satisfactory long-term adjustment to any residual disability. Psychologists evaluate patients' psychological and neuropsychological status and facilitate their adjustment to the rehabilitation process and their adaptation to disability. Specific services include:

  • Neuropsychological evaluation and rehabilitation.
  • Individual and group therapy, along with family support and education.
  • Pain management/biofeedback
  • Peer counseling, provided by individuals who have successfully adjusted to a disability themselves.
  • Referral to the State of California, Department of Rehabilitation, to help patients begin the process of re-entry into the work force.
  • For children, consultation with school psychologists and other personnel to facilitate the school re-entry process.
  • Shared medical appointments (small groups of patients meeting jointly with a physician and psychologist)

Social Workers

Social workers provide information and support, ensuring that patients and family members know about relevant community resources and facilitate a smooth transition back into the home, community, and work or school setting. Our social workers run stroke and spinal cord injury support groups that are available to patients and their families as well as to members of the community.

Internship and Post-Doctoral Training Opportunities

Each year we accept several pre-doctoral interns and post-doctoral fellows for training focused primarily upon neuropsychology, rehabilitation psychology, and health psychology. Those interested in these training opportunities may contact our Training Director, Kaye Hermanson, Ph.D., at:

We also provide training for social work interns wishing to gain experience in medical settings.