World Interfaith Harmony Week features Tibetan monk Singing Bowl demonstration
In 2010, the United Nations General Assembly created “World Interfaith Harmony Week,” held the first week of February annually.
According to its website, the initiative “calls for Muslim and Christian leaders to engage in dialogue based on two common fundamental religious Commandments: Love of God and Love of the Neighbor.”
As part of World Interfaith Harmony Week, the Interfaith and Intercultural (IFIC) Employee Resource Group (ERG) will be hosting Tibetan Monks of the Historic Gaden Shartse Monastery. All employees, faculty and students are welcome and encouraged to attend the event on Feb. 4 in North Addition Room 1001. The schedule is as follows:
- 11 a.m. – 12 p.m.: Lecture on Providing Compassionate Care
- 12-1 p.m.: Tibetan Singing Bowl Demonstration & Tibetan Chanting Performance
This event is free. Registration is required. Register here.
Learn more about all of our UC Davis Health Employee Resource Groups. They are open to anyone, regardless of background, who wishes to support, participate in, or be educated in the cultures and communities that make up UC Davis Health.