Assistant Professor of Clinical Medicine
To see if Ebaa Al-Obeidi is accepting new patients, or for assistance finding a UC Davis doctor, please call 800-2-UCDAVIS (800-282-3284).
UC Davis Comprehensive Cancer Center
2279 45th Street
Sacramento, CA 95817
Phone: 916-734-5959
Dr. Al-Obeidi believes in compassionate, high-quality, and cutting edge care for her patients. She strives to help patients understand their diagnosis and treatment journey. She believes in a team approach, partnering with nurses, social workers, nutritionists, pharmacists, and other consultants to provide holistic care.
Dr. Al-Obeidi is a medical oncologist with a research interest in personalized medicine and cancer biomarkers.
Dr. Al-Obeidi's research interests include clinical trials, personalized therapy, and plasma-based cancer biomarkers particularly circulating tumor DNA.
Hematology and Oncology
B.S. Biological Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge MA 2014
M.D., UC Irvine School of Medicine, Irvine CA 2018
M.S., Clinical Research, UC Davis, Sacramento CA 2025
Internal Medicine, UC Davis, Sacramento CA 2018-2019
Internal Medicine, UC Davis, Sacramento CA 2018-2021
Hematology-Oncology, UC Davis, Sacramento CA 2021-2024
School of Medicine Alumni Association Clinical Fellow Professionalism Award, UC Davis, 2024,
Joh C. Rutledge Trainee Research Award, UC Davis, 2023,
UC Davis Hematology-Oncology Fellow Research Award, UC Davis, 2022,
Excellence in Teaching Award, UC Davis, 2022,