To outline the requirements and processes to be followed with respect to affiliation agreements with non-UC Davis teaching site

All faculty, staff and students

LCME Standard
1.4: Affiliation Agreements

Written agreements are necessary with clinical affiliates that are used regularly for required clinical experiences.  Such agreements may also be warranted with other clinical facilities that have a significant role in the clinical education program.

In the relationship between the School and its clinical affiliates, the educational program for all medical students remains under the control of the UC Davis faculty, as specified in written affiliation agreements that define the responsibilities of each party related to the medical education program. Such agreements provide for, at a minimum the following:

  1. The assurance of medical student and faculty access to appropriate resources for medical student education
  2. The primacy of the medical education program’s authority over academic affairs and the education/assessment of medical students
  3. The role of the medical school in the appointment and assignment of faculty members with responsibility for medical student teaching
  4. Specification of the responsibility for treatment and follow-up when a medical student is exposed to an infectious or environmental hazard or other occupational injury
  5. The shared responsibility of the clinical affiliate and the School for creating and maintaining an appropriate learning environment


UC Davis medical students rotating at other institutions:

  1. An affiliation agreement must be established when a UC Davis medical student completes a required clerkship rotation at another institution.
  2. When a UC Davis medical student participates in a post clerkship away elective rotation, UC Davis does not require a formal affiliation agreement to be established. If the host institution agrees, completing the AAMC Visiting Student Application Service (VSAS) application process is sufficient.  If the host institution does require an agreement, a short-term agreement is the preferred method.  If the short-term agreement will not suffice, the AAMC standard agreement will be followed.

Non-UC Davis medical students rotating at UC Davis

  1. UC Davis does not accept third year medical students from other institutions for required core-clerkships.
  2. For post core-clerkship electives UC Davis does not require an affiliation agreement to be in place.  If the home institution agrees, completing the AAMC VSAS application process is sufficient.  If the home institution does require an agreement, a short-term agreement is the preferred method.  If the short-term agreement will not suffice, the AAMC standard agreement will be followed.

Office of Medical Education, Director of Student and Administrative Services

AAMC Uniform Clinical Training Affiliation Agreement

Policy Owner
Office of Medical Education, Director of Student and Administrative Services

Reviewed By
Office of Medical Education, Director of Student and Administrative Services*

Reviewed Date and Review Cycle
April 2023; three-year cycle

*Committee reviews, updates and approves the policy