Volunteer Clinical Professor Policy
To outline the roles and responsibilities of Volunteer Clinical Professors (VCP) participating in the undergraduate medical education program.
9.2 Faculty Appointments
UC Davis School of Medicine (the School) exposes students to the practice of medicine in many different settings and types of healthcare delivery systems. The School strives to ensure we have adequate numbers of faculty preceptors from diverse communities so students have sufficient, individualized attention to achieve their learning goals in the clinical arena. To accomplish these goals, the Office of Medical Education (OME), Course Directors, Clerkship Directors, and Student-run Clinic Medical Directors recruit, train and support community-based physicians to participate in the education of our medical students.
- Volunteer Clinical Professor: board certified physician who is not employed by the School and participates in the education of trainees.
- APM 279: The University of California section of the Academic Personnel Manual (AMP) that refers to the policies and procedures for faculty appointments for Volunteer Clinical Professors.
- Volunteer Clinical Professor Series: The academic appointment series appropriate for Volunteer Clinical Professors.
- Students working with, and learning from, VCP are expected to have an educational experience equivalent to those students who are working with non-VCP faculty in the same clerkship or educational experience. This is monitored through the program evaluation process.
- VCP perform a valuable service for the University and as such should be supported in, and recognized for, the work that they do to educate our students.
- All faculty are required to teach and assess students in accordance with the School’s graduation competencies, course or clerkship specific learning objectives and institutional assessment strategies.
- All faculty should periodically participate in formal faculty development to optimize their teaching.
- Satisfactory performance of faculty is measured by course/clerkship director assessment, informed by student evaluations of faculty and evidence of compliance with required faculty responsibilities.
- VCP are recruited to participate in specific activities each year and are evaluated by the course and clerkship directors overseeing their work with students.
- VCP must comply with the APM 279 and submit information about licensure, malpractice coverage and other clinical information to request a faculty appointment. Failure to submit required information will result in a delay or denial of faculty appointment.
- In addition to meeting the requirements of APM 279, a VCP at the School must attest via signature that they have done the following, for each year they are participating:
- Review and agree to use the School’s graduation competencies, course/clerkship objectives and assessment strategies to teach and assess student performance.
- Review and agree to act in a manner compatible with the School’s Principles of Community.
- Review and understand the procedures for reporting medical student mistreatment.
- Review and agree to adhere to the School’s Conflict of Interest Policy.
- Agree to complete assessment forms and other assignments in accordance to related policies (see Related Policies).
- Agree to notify the Associate Dean for Students or other university official with concerns about student wellbeing or performance.
- Agree to uphold a positive learning environment for all students, monitor the learning environment and engage in Hospital and Clinic in addressing negative influences when detected.
- VCP will be proposed by OME for faculty appointment as soon as is practical after recruitment. Faculty appointments will be prepared by OME and reviewed, approved, and processed by the Department aligned with the individual's board certification.
- To maintain an appointment as a VCP, the clinician must remain in good standing, as indicated by the following criteria:
- Volunteer a minimum of 20 teaching hours per academic year (July 1 – June 30).
- Rated as satisfactory or better by the relevant clerkship or course director.
- Must not have received substantiated complaints about medical student mistreatment.
- If personal or professional circumstances prevent a VCP in good standing from accepting assigned teaching responsibilities, they may request a waiver of teaching assignments for no more than one year to maintain their VCP appointment. This waiver may be granted once in each five-year period of reappointment.
- VCP are encouraged to participate in the School’s Faculty development activities, certificate programs, and recognition events.
- In accordance with APM 279, VCP teaching in the clinical environment are required to notify the School immediately if they voluntarily or involuntarily relinquish their medical license, board certification, DEA registration, clinical privileges, or malpractice insurance.
- VCP are appointed for up to five years and may request promotion after 10 years.
- In accordance with APM 279, VCP appointments may be terminated before the end date of the appointment for cause or when the Dean or designee no longer has activities in which VCP participation is required. In these circumstances, the VCP will be notified in writing 30 calendar days prior to the effective date.
- VCP will be recruited by OME, Course Directors, Clerkship Directors and Student-Run Clinic Medical Directors.
- Appointment requests will be overseen by OME and processed by the relevant Department.
- OME will review all evaluations annually to ensure all physicians have an appointment with the School. If an evaluator does not have a faculty appointment with the School, OME will request a VCP appointment as long as the physician meets the minimum teaching requirement of 20 hours per academic year or has completed at least one student evaluation during the 12 months.
- Records of faculty attestation of assent and compliance with required responsibilities will be managed by OME.
Vice Dean for Medical Education
Conflict of Interest Policy
Learning Environment and Student Mistreatment Policy
Clinical Supervision of Medical Students Policy
Timeliness of Summative Assessment and Grades Policy
Formative Feedback Policy
Narrative Assessment Policy
Clerkship Experiences and Mid-Clerkship Feedback Policy
Academic Assessment of Students by Health Care Providers Policy
Office of Medical Education
Clerkship Directors Workgroup
Committee on Educational Policy
Office of Medical Education*
June 2024; annual review cycle
* Indicates the Policy Owner