First peregrine falcon eggs hatch: It's a chick egg-stravaganza!
Late last week the first of the peregrine falcon eggs at UC Davis Medical Center hatched and the first fluffy white hatchling of the season is slowly waking to a whole new world.

The video livestream shows the mother peregrine is currently nestled atop the newest chicks keeping them warm.
After all the eggs are done hatching, the chicks will need to be kept warm since they can’t regulate their own temperature for the first week or so. This may look similar to the incubation period, but the mom will be sitting up higher and may hold her wings out from her body more than we see during incubation.
Congratulations to our winner!
The winner of this year's contest to guess when the first peregrine falcon egg would hatch is Sara Lin from the School of Medicine.
Sara has won the opportunity to name the peregrine falcon chicks.