Additional Resources | Graduate Medical Education | UC Davis School of Medicine

Additional Resources

Medical Staff Well-Being Committee

Residents, clinical fellows, and Program Directors can also contact the Medical Staff Well-Being Committee which administers a monitoring program for medical staff members who are suffering from substance abuse or dependence, or physical or mental health issues that impair their ability to work and function at their best. The Committee provides advice, recommendations, and assistance to individual physicians and to groups or committees who request assistance or recommendations. The committee can also be of assistance in helping residents/fellows navigate issues with the medical board in instances such as a DUI and the possible repercussions from the medical board. The committee can be reached through its chair by emailing Katren Tyler, M.D., or Maggie Rea, Ph.D., the Director of Medical Student and Resident Wellness.

Peer Responder Program

There also might be times when you, your colleague or your team might benefit from peer support. Perhaps, you experienced a challenging shift, an unexpected patient outcome, or navigating the pandemic has become overwhelming. The UC Davis Health Support U Peer Responder Program is here to support all members of our UC Davis Health Community.


Ombuds Office

The UC Davis Ombuds Office is a confidential, independent, impartial, and informal problem-solving and conflict management resource for all members of the UC Davis and UC Davis Health campus communities.

Contact our office at 530-754-7233 (Davis) or 916-734-1600 (Sacramento).

Helpful Resources

Spiritual Support

Spiritual support is available by calling our Pastoral Services Office at 916-734-3657 or visiting the Chaplaincy and Education website.


The ABCs of Getting Your ZZZs (PDF)