California Alzheimer's Disease Centers | Healthy Aging | UC Davis Health

California Alzheimer's Disease Center

The UC Davis California Alzheimer’s Diseases Center (CADC) is part of a statewide network of ten university based dementia care Centers of Excellence. The CADC aims to improve dementia health care delivery, provides specialized training and education to health care professionals and advances the diagnosis and treatment of dementia.

Our Mission 

To deliver state-of-the-art preventative, diagnostic, and supportive services for individuals who are experiencing or are at risk of memory loss, Alzheimer's disease, and other disorders, as well as to provide support to their families and caregivers.

What We Do

  • state-of-the-art diagnosis of memory and cognitive impairment, Alzheimer's, and related disorders 
  • support and resources to patients and their families 
  • information and classes on dementia prevention and brain health 
  • education to the public and healthcare providers about Alzheimer's and related disorders 
  • support for the advancement of research through collaboration with the UC Davis NIH-funded Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center