Office of Research

Featured Events

Our events celebrate excellence in UC Davis research.

Annual cancer research symposium held in a small theater room.

The School of Medicine Office of Research hosts two research celebration events annually and participates in events the UC Davis Research Expo.  Additionally, we host a quarterly image competition and provide funding for impactful symposia.

  • An orator speaking from a podium to a group of people.

    Convergence Research Celebration

    Held in the spring on the Davis campus, this event celebrates the collaboration between School of Medicine researchers and those from different departments and schools at UC Davis.

    Date to be announced

  • School of Medicine and School of Veterinary Medicine Research Day

    Reaching Across the Causeway highlights joint projects and opportunities for School of Medicine and School of Veterinary Medicine research.

    Sept. 24, 2024, 8:30 a.m. - 6 p.m.

    Register here
  • Medical colleagues standing around a small table having a casual conversation.

    School of Medicine Annual Research Celebration

    Held in the fall on the Sacramento campus, this event celebrates the accomplishments of School of Medicine researchers of the most recent fiscal year.

    Oct. 22, 2024

    Event registration
  • People in a theater setting listening to an orator.

    School of Medicine Impact Symposia

    • UC Davis SOM Connection Symposium: Sleep-Wake and Cognition - A Light in the Dark for Neurological Disorders
      Oct. 14-15, 2024  
      Event registration 
    • Revitalizing Primary Care to Recenter Relationships and Enhance Health (Rev PC)
      Oct. 17-18, 2024
      Event registration
    • 8th Annual UC Davis Cardiovascular Symposium: Systems Approach to Understanding Cardiovascular Disease and Arrhythmias:
      Feb. 13-14, 2025
      More information