Letters of Support

Principal investigators (PI) can submit Letter of Support (LOS) requests to somor@ucdavis.edu and cc: Anuurad Erdembileg at anuerdem@ucdavis.edu.


  • Requests are made by email to School of Medicine Office of Research (SOMOR) (somor@ucdavis.edu) and cc Assistant Dean of Research, Anuurad Erdembileg (anuerdem@ucdavis.edu)
  • Subject: Letter of Support
  • Please include the following information:
    • The purpose of the letter
    • To whom and from whom the letter should be addressed
    • Grant title, if applicable
    • Funding opportunity announcement, if applicable


  • The requester will be contacted by email to confirm receipt of request within 1-2 business days
  • Letters not requesting financial support will be processed in 7-10 business days
  • Letters requesting financial support will be processed in 3-4 weeks


  • Provide a draft of the letter of support by email when you have been contacted to confirm receipt of the request

Review process

  • The School of Medicine Office of Research Communications Specialist will edit the draft letter of support
  • The letter will be routed to the Assistant Dean for Research for approval
  • The letter will be routed for signature