Sponsored Programs

Sponsored programs are activities that are sponsored wholly or in part by internal sources or external agencies for which there is an expectation on the part of the sponsor for performance or outcome. Sponsored programs are awarded through various mechanisms - grants, contracts, fee-for-service or percent-deliverable contracts, cooperative agreements, and/or other legally binding means of transfer and may or may not provide actual funding to the institution.

The Research Operations unit manages the Sponsored Programs for the School of Medicine. It reviews and processes all School of Medicine proposals, including research grants and health science contract proposals.

All School of Medicine proposals are electronically routed and processed through Cayuse Sponsored Project from School of Medicine departments and units to UC Davis Sponsored Programs.

Cayuse Research Suite

Cayuse 424

Cayuse 424 is used to submit applications to most Federal sponsors. The UC Davis research community offers web-based software called Cayuse 424 to simplify the submission of proposals through Grants.gov. The use of this system is optional for most of UC Davis. 

Cayuse Sponsored Project (Cayuse SP)

Cayuse SP will route the proposal for internal review. All School of Medicine proposals are electronically routed and processed through Cayuse SP from School of Medicine departments and units to UC Davis Sponsored Programs. Cayuse SP is a sponsored project management system that routes an IPF (Internal Processing Form: the electronic "proposal") and requires attachments for internal review.

To submit a proposal for a Sponsored Program:

  1. Please review the Cayuse SP Guidelines (PDF) and Grant Submission Process workflow for School of Medicine Cayuse SP (PDF).
  2. Use your campus computing account login to submit your proposal.
  3. List the School of Medicine as the last unit in the approval chain.
    • Once all the applicable department chairs/directors have approved the proposal in Cayuse SP, the system will automatically send an email notification to the School of Medicine indicating pending approval.
    • School of Medicine requires at least one business day after the Cayuse email notification for review before it is approved.

Health Systems Contract Proposals

  1. Review the Clinical Trials (CT) business process workflow (PDF).
  2. Submit Confidential Disclosure Agreements (CDAs) directly to the Clinical Trials Contracts Office analyst Lorie Dilts ledilts@ucdavis.edu with an editable agreement and email chain that identifies the external contact for negotiation.
  3. Review the Handbook for Industry-Funded Clinical Trial Department Staff, Principal Investigators and Approvers (PDF).
  4. Secure a signature from your Department Chair on the Unified Budget Template (UBT).
    • After the UBT has been signed by the Department Chair, please email it to the Clinical Trials Contracts budget analyst, Julie Calahan jecalahan@ucdavis.edu, who will review and upload it into Cayuse SP.
  5. Review the CT business process workflow (PDF) to determine the department's responsibilities. (This workflow is also included in the Handbook).
  6. Submit all conflict of interest (COI) disclosures on the 700U and Form 800 through the eCOI online disclosure system (UC Davis login)

Help for proposal and awards management

Cayuse Resources

Health Systems Contracts