Cayuse FAQs

  1. Use Mozilla Firefox for best results.
  2. Login to: with your Kerberos ID and Password.
  3. Select Cayuse SP.
  4. Email if you are not able to login.

  1. Contact the Role Manager for the unit to which you need access and cc: your department supervisor.
  2. You can determine the appropriate Role Manager by selecting Research Contacts from the main Cayuse page and locating the unit on the unit list.
  3. For further instructions, see View Department Role Assignments in the Handbook for Role Managers (PDF).

  1. The Department/Unit Head should email to request the addition of a Role Manager for unit.
  2. The selected Role Manager should review the Department Admin/Role Manager Training Video.

  1. Go to Research Contacts from the main Cayuse page.
  2. Select Manage Research Roles.
  3. If the person is not already listed as a Research Contact, add the user and assign roles.
  4. If the person is already listed as a Research Contact, select the user’s name and assign roles.
  5. For further instructions, see Managing User Rules in the Handbook for Role Managers.

    1. From the Proposal Dashboard, select Start New Proposal.
    2. For further instructions, see Creating and Submitting Proposals in the Handbook for Department Contract and Grant Staff, Principal Investigators and Approvers.

    Add those requiring edit access to the Investigators/Research Team tab of the IPF with either the Proposal Editor or Other Participant – No Routing role. All other roles will require the relevant unit head(s) approval of the IPF.

    1. Email and request the IPF be placed back in Unsubmitted status. Provide the PI’s full name and the Cayuse SP Proposal.
    2. Select Submit for Routing after making the necessary revisions. Please note all IPF approvals obtained will be deleted. A new email will be sent to the IPF Approvers once the IPF is submitted for routing again.


    By certifying a proposal request in Cayuse, the PI is affirming that they understand the responsibilities and requirements associated with proposal administration.  Because it is a vital piece of the proposal request, we are unable to assign any proposal for review until the certification has been provided. View details on the specific responsibilities at the proposal and award phase.

    1. From the Dashboard, select PI Certification Inbox.
    2. Select the applicable Proposal Number.
    3. View the IPF or PDF of the of the IPF.
    4. Select Certify Proposal.
    5. For further instructions, see Certifying/Signing a Proposal in the Handbook for Department Contract & Grant Staff, Principal Investigators and Approvers.

    1. From the Dashboard, select Unit Approval Inbox.
    2. Select the applicable Proposal Number.
    3. View the IPF or PDF of the IPF.
    4. Select Authorize Proposal to approve or Reject Proposal to return to the initiator.
    5.  For further instructions, see Approving Proposals in Your Unit in the Quick Start Guide for Approvers or in the Handbook for Department Contract & Grant Staff, Principal Investigators and Approvers.

    1. If you initiated the proposal or are listed on the Investigators/Research Team tab, go to My Proposals and select the Submitted Proposals tab.
    2. If you did not initiate the proposal and are not listed on the Investigators/Research Team tab, go to Proposals in My Unit.
    3. The status will be displayed to the far right.
    4. To see further details, select the Proposal Number.
    5. Go to the Notes tab.
    6. For further instructions see Checking the Status of a Routed Proposal in the Handbook for Department Contract and Grant Staff, Principal Investigators and Approvers.

    All proposal requests should include a scope of work, a detailed budget, and a budget justification. Additional documents may be necessary if required in the specific call.

    The Admin unit is the department or unit that receives credit for the proposal.

    Cayuse SP does not allow users to establish delegates. However, the assigned Role Manager for that unit may give others the appropriate access at any time. It is strongly recommended that at least two approvers be established for each unit.

    The new Department Chair or Dean will need to be given approver access. There is a Role Manager in each department with responsibility of making such changes. SPO will not make changes to approvers.

    Yes, the new IPF Approver should be able to review and approve or reject the proposal within 10 minutes of the change being made.

    No. The IPF/Proposal will not route to Sponsored Programs for review until IPF Approvals from the administering unit, units with Key Personnel involved in the proposal and the Dean’s Office, if applicable, have been obtained.