Shared Core Facilities

The term "core" includes any UC Davis research core or shared research facility (regardless of designation as a Campus Research Core Facility) on the main campus in Sacramento and off-campus locations in all schools and colleges. Research cores and shared facilities include professionally managed shared instrumentation and equipment facilities, scientific recharge units, and research service centers that provide access to technologies, equipment, services, and expert consultation to enable, facilitate, and enhance the university's research mission. View the directory of shared core facilities here.

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Core Facilities Recharge Rate

Most facilities (core and shared resource facilities) develop from a bottom-up approach to meet the needs of an individual or a small group of investigators. Expanding access to the facility services by others in the research community results in service expectations of the user community that are best met by the development of formal access and use policies and a formal method of sharing ongoing expenses across all users. This transition from a small, dedicated user base to a professional core that serves many needs includes the development of a management plan to guide the transition and to ensure long-term sustainability along with approved new recharge rates or changes to existing approved rates per UC Davis Budget and Institutional Analysis (BIA) policies/guidelines.

All School of Medicine departments or units that plan to develop a new facility that will recharge for services should contact Christine Bates ( with a completed School of Medicine Business Plan Template (DOC) and Rate Calculation Worksheet 6.3 (XLSX). Regardless of the recharge rate approval authority, all files are internally reviewed by the School of Medicine Office of Research before the finalized files are submitted to BIA.

Key points regarding recharge activities:

  • Recharge activities must operate on a break-even basis.
  • Recharge facilities expected to generate less than $50,000 recharge revenue per year are approved by the Dean/Vice Provost/Vice Chancellor. Please submit a copy of the recharge calculation worksheet and any questions regarding BIA's recharge rate packet to
  • The School of Medicine department must submit updated forms eleven months after recharge rate approval to Carmen Ho ( for review and approval for the following year, along with an updated MOU with the respective department to ensure the facility is breaking even and no significant changes have occurred.
  • Once every three years, the Recharge Group must review activities that (1) involve mandated goods or services that generate more than $50,000 in recharge revenue or (2) generate more than $200,000 in annual federal recharge revenue. Typically, the latter is referred to the Federal Recharge Group for review.
  • For recharge facilities expected to generate less than $50,000 recharge revenue per year, the office of the Dean/Vice Provost/Vice Chancellor must submit the proposal to BIA for approval.

Overview and helpful information from UC Davis BIA for recharge rate development