Matching Support Requests

Prospective applicants should contact the School of Medicine Assistant Dean for Research, Anuurad Erdembileg (, regarding matching support funds and completing the request form.

  • Matching Support Request for NIH Program Project (P) and Center Grants (U)

    Prospective applicants should reach out to the School of Medicine Assistant Dean for Research, Anuurad Erdembileg, MD, PhD, MAS (, regarding matching support funds and obtaining the required signatures in advance before submitting the proposal.

    Send an email with the subject: Matching Support Request for NIH Program Project (P) and Center Grants (U).

    Complete the Matching Support Request form (PDF). Draft versions for attachments are acceptable.

    Timeline and review process

    The requester will receive an email confirmation of the request within 1-2 business days. The request will be reviewed and processed in 14 business days. The matching support decision will be emailed to PI.

    The current formula for calculating the matching support for NIH center grants is 6% of total direct costs that come to the School of Medicine.

    Matching support decision will be based on the following factors (below) during the review process: Impact on the School of Medicine, fit with research priorities, translational potential, feasibility, investigators/diversity, cross-campus/UC collaboration, and/or prior commitments to the department.

  • School of Medicine Support for Symposium & Conferences

    Prospective applicants should contact the School of Medicine Assistant Dean for Research, Anuurad Erdembileg, MD, PhD, MAS ( regarding support requests for symposiums and conferences. Send an email with the subject: Support request for symposiums and conferences.

    Complete the Support for Symposium & Conferences Request Form request form (PDF). Draft versions for attachments are acceptable.

    Timeline and review process

    The requester will receive an email confirmation of the request within 1-2 business days. The request will be reviewed and processed in 14 business days. Support decision will be emailed to PI.

    Funding will be determined by need and justification. The funding decision will be based on the following: Impact on the School of Medicine, fit with research priorities, investigators/diversity, cross-campus/UC collaboration, and prior commitments to the department.