Safety Management


The Training Requirement Document (PDF) provides guidance on the standard training requirements and forms used to document training. Research involving animal, biological, radiation, and laser use will require additional training. Please consult with your safety officer if you need additional help.

Contact the Davis campus safety officer for a key to the medical waste accumulation sites. You must have an approved Biological Use Authorization and have completed the UC Davis Medical Waste Management Training before you will be granted access.

At this time, there is no cost to the researcher for chemical waste disposal. Laboratories must generate a label using the WASTe program and place a request for environmental health and safety to collect and dispose of the waste. Waste disposal has strict timeline and procedures please refer to Hazardous Waste Guidelines more for information.

Copies of the IIPP and EAP are located on the Safety Documents and Resources page. These documents are reviewed annually. Laboratories are responsible for making sure they have the most current version and document annual training on these plans.

Copies of the IIPP and EAP are located on the Safety Documents and Resources page. These documents are reviewed annually. Laboratories are responsible for making sure they have the most current version and document annual training on these plans.

Sacramento Campus

Steve Libertini
Safety Officer
School of Medicine
2921 Stockton Blvd., Suite 1400

Davis Campus

Brett Smith
Safety Officer
School of Medicine
Genome Center, Biomedical Engineering
2130A Tupper Hall
Office: 530-752-9996
Cell: 530-304-0006