Community | Strategic Plan Goal 5 | UC Davis School of Medicine

Strategic Plan Goal 5

Cultivating Strong, Trusting Community Partnerships

Student-run drive thru flu shot clinic serving the Hmong community

Goal 5: Community

Cultivate strong, trusting community partnerships to improve health.

  • Objective 5.1

    Offer students, trainees, faculty, and staff training on community engagement.

  • Objective 5.2

    Partner with community- and faith-based organizations and groups to build trustworthiness within the community.

  • Objective 5.3

    Engage our community to be partners in our academic mission.

  • Objective 5.4

    Enhance engagement with our alumni and donors to create new strategic partnerships.

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Your Voice Matters

As part of this process, we have engaged and heard from more than 200 of our students, residents, fellows, postdoctoral scholars, faculty, staff, and leaders at UC Davis.

We want to continue to hear your voice. Please share your thoughts, questions and ideas about the strategic plan with leadership at the School of Medicine.