Pier perfection: Pediatric specialty clinic gets mural makeover
The third-floor pediatric specialty clinic in the Glassrock Building has been transformed into a pier, complete with lighthouses, sea life and pirate ships. The mural makeover was completed last month and was funded by a Children’s Miracle Network at UC Davis grant.
Children and their families visiting the pediatric pulmonology, cardiology and endocrinology clinics are visually transported to a seaside town. Seagulls, sea lions and even a narwhal can be spotted.

The grant application for the artwork was submitted by pediatric nurse Nicki Manivong. The goal is to enhance the experience of patients and families visiting the clinic for their health care needs. It has also succeeded in cheering up and inspiring pediatric staff on the floor.
“One of the kids’ favorites has been the beam that runs through the middle of our waiting room that looks like a pier. You can see different feet walking across the pier,” said Marlene Werner, practice manager at the outpatient pediatric clinic in the Glassrock Building. “The children have really enjoyed the wall art and the color in the room.”
Kerri Warner was commissioned to do the artwork. Warner is the same artist who completed the train murals on the second floor of the Glassrock Building in 2022. She also completed an MRI room makeover in the hospital in 2021, which featured underwater adventures and beach scenes.
“It’s been so nice to come into the waiting room area and to see something so colorful and fun,” said Satyan Lakshminrusimha, chief of pediatrics and medical director at UC Davis Children’s Hospital. “It really shows that you’re in a pediatric clinic versus an adult clinic.”