Congratulations to Stephanie Deaton, RN, of D-12 Surgical Specialties Unit



Stephanie DeatonStephanie Deaton, RN works on D-12 Surgical Specialties Unit and she was recognized by a daughter of a patient.  As the patient was dying from a long illness Stephanie was there every step of the way as the patient's Primary Nurse.  The daughter, who was so impressed and appreciative of Stephanie, personally nominated her and participated in the presentation of the DAISY Award.  The daughter felt her mother had exceptional care guided by Stephanie and developed tremendous trust in Stephanie to care for her mother during the final weeks of her life.


Mary Lee-Fong, RN, MSN, Interim Director of Nursing,  stated "Stephanie Deaton gives excellent patient care....the gift that Stephanie has is that she takes the most difficult patients and connects with them.  A nurse can have great clinical skills but it really is a special when a nurse can make a difference on everyone she comes in contact with."


Stephanie Deaton received her DAISY Nurse award from Interim Chief Patient Care Services Officer Toby Marsh, RN, MSA, MSN, FACHE, NEA-BC with the patient's daughter present who brought Stephanie a beautiful bouquet of flowers. Stephanie’s family was also there to witness the DAISY Award presentation.


About the DAISY Award

The DAISY Award for Extraordinary Nurses recognizes outstanding members of the nursing community and the very special work they do every day. It was established by the DAISY Foundation in memory of the extraordinary nursing J. Patrick Barnes received when he was hospitalized. (DAISY is an acronym for diseases attacking the immune system.) This nursing recognition award program offers patients, families, and professional colleagues a way to honor nurses for all they do. The DAISY awardees consistently demonstrate excellence through their clinical expertise and extraordinary compassionate care.