Core Values

Nurses at UC Davis Medical Center employ a code of ethics upon which we base our daily practice. Ethics is a foundation to our professional practice. Our beliefs stem from several sources; ANA code of ethics, ANA Scopes and Standards of Practice, our organizational values and our personal values.

Primary Nursing

Primary Nursing is a relationship-based model which includes therapeutic presence, autonomy, evidence-based practice, and collaboration. Nursing presence is defined as a relationship between the nurse and the patient in which the nurse approaches the patient in a holistic way recognizing each patient as a unique individual. Primary Nursing is based around the elements of responsibility, accountability and authority.

Professional Governance Exemplary 
                                                                                                                 Professional Practice


Nurses have a variety of resources available to provide optimal patient care. As part of a leading university, nurses have access to the latest research and cutting edge technology. Nurses have opportunities to consult with experts in a variety of health-related fields such as: chaplaincy, child life, food and nutrition services, occupational therapy, pharmacy, physical therapy, medicine, respiratory therapy, social work and speech therapy.

Nurses also have autonomy to provide holistic approaches such as: essential oils, music therapy, pet therapy, and the HUSH (Help Us Support Healing) initiative.

California Nurse Practice Act