Intensive Care Units
Alessandra M Renteria-Turley
Inpatient Unit Director/Nurse Manager
The Firefighters Burn Institute Regional Burn Center at UC Davis Medical Center is a state of the art 12 bed intensive care unit specializing primarily in the care of burn injuries. The staff treats other complex tissue conditions and patients with multifarious wounds as well. Treatment in the unit generally begins during the emergent phase of the injury and continues up into the rehabilitation phase of the healing process. The unit serves the majority of the population in northern California and western Nevada. The partnership that initiated the Burn Unit between UC Davis Medical Center and the Firefighters Burn Institute is an active relationship maintained to this day.
Kevin Floyd RN, MS, CCRN
Nurse Manager
The NSICU is a ten bed intensive care unit specializing in the most complex care of neuro surgical, neuro trauma and stroke patients. Patient diagnoses include traumatic brain injury, subarachnoid hemorrhage, cerebral aneurysm, intracerebral hemorrhage, subdural and epidural hematomas, spinal surgery, and ischemic stroke. The NSICU offers advanced neurological monitoring and innovative interventions that allow for the best quality outcome for the patients. The unit serves as the specialty area for the management of stroke patients.
Kevin Floyd RN, MS, CCRN
Nurse Manager
10 bed unit with a patient population of cardiac, thoracic surgery and cardiology. Some specialties of this unit are: CRRT, ECMO and the care of the VAD patient.
Deann Hayes RN, MSN
Nurse Manager
The SICU is an 18 bed unit. Our unit provides care for patients from the Surgical Critical Care and Cardiology teams. Our patient population includes those who have sustained life threatening traumatic injuries, post-surgical patients from a variety of services, and the medical and interventional cardiology patient who requires intensive care.
Charles Sancho-Bliss, R.N., B.S.N., C.C.R.N.
Nurse Manager
The Medical Intensive Care Unit is a 12 bed intensive care unit where a specialized environment is maintained for the care of critically ill medical patients, with a focus in providing care to patients requiring specialized ventilator support. Patient diagnoses include respiratory failure, end stage liver disease, acute renal failure, drug overdose, sepsis and multi-system organ failure.
Shellie Helton RN MSN CCRN
Nurse Manager
MSICU Blue ( formerly known as TRU) is an 10 bed medical surgical intensive care unit that provides comprehensive care for critically ill medical and surgical patients. We specialize in the medical management of cardiac patients. We are committed to providing excellent care that is evidenced-based, technologically precise and patient/family focused. We take pride in our collaborative relationships, interdisciplinary team approach and commitment to quality.
Theresa Pak MS NEA BC
Nurse Manager
MSICU Gold is an 8 bed medical surgical intensive care unit that provides comprehensive care for critically ill adult and pediatric (age 9-18) medical / surgical patients. MSICU Gold is a part of the Children Hospital in caring for adolescent patients requiring critical care. We are committed to providing excellent care that is evidenced-based, technologically precise and patient/family focused. We take pride in our collaborative relationships, interdisciplinary team approach and commitment to quality. Currently, California has only 10 individual ICUs that hold the Gold Beacon for Excellence. This is MSICU Gold’s third designation, making this unit a Beacon of Excellence for nine consecutive years.