Comprehensive Designation, Accreditation, and Memberships
National Cancer Institute 
UC Davis Comprehensive Cancer Center's integrated cancer research programs, innovative biomedical technologies and cancer health outreach and education have earned it a "comprehensive" designation from the National Cancer Institute (NCI).
Outside of San Francisco, UC Davis Comprehensive Cancer Center is the only NCI-designated center from the Bay Area north to Portland and east to Salt Lake City. The "comprehensive" designation from the NCI is the world's most prestigious institutional honor in oncology and awarded to only about one percent of cancer centers nationwide.
The designation comes only after a rigorous evaluation process to ensure the cancer center pursues scientiļ¬c excellence and has the capability to integrate diverse research approaches to cancer.
"Comprehensive" designation means patients get access to leading-edge treatments, including development of personalized therapies based on the unique molecular characteristics of individual tumors, and patient access to clinical trials in early phases of drug development. It also means that the physicians who see patients in clinic are collaborating with researchers to develop new approaches to detecting, preventing and beating cancer for all populations. For more information, visit the NCI Cancer Centers Program website.
Commission on Cancer®
Cancer programs at UC Davis Comprehensive Cancer Center are accredited by the Commission on Cancer of the American College of Surgeons. The commission is a consortium of professional organizations dedicated to reducing occurrences of and deaths from cancer through education, and by setting standards for and monitoring quality, multidisciplinary, patient care. Cancer programs, like those at the cancer center, voluntarily participate in the commission’s Approvals Program and meet 36 standards of quality patient care. The result is that the cancer center is among a select group of institutions that have achieved the highest level of accreditation. Our patients can be assured they receive a multi-specialty, comprehensive, team approach to coordinating the best treatment options; treatment with state-of-the-art services and equipment; access to the latest clinical trials; and the best cancer-related information, education, and support services.
National Comprehensive Cancer Network
UC Davis Comprehensive Cancer Center is a member of the National Comprehensive Cancer Network, an alliance of the world’s leading cancer centers. The network brings together leaders in oncology treatment and research to improve and facilitate quality, effective, efficient, and accessible of oncology practice. Through the collective expertise of its member institutions, the network develops, updates and disseminates clinical practice guidelines, which are the standard for clinical policy in oncology. For more information, visit the NCCN online.
Association of American Cancer Institutes
As a member of the Association of American Cancer Institutes, the UC Davis Comprehensive Cancer Center has joined with leading U.S. cancer research centers to support a comprehensive and multidisciplinary program of cancer research, treatment, patient care, prevention, education and community outreach. Centers affiliated with the association are dedicated to translating promising research findings into new ways to prevent and treat cancer. The goal is to ease the burden of cancer on patients, families and communities. For more information, visit AACI online.