The IMADSR offers comprehensive immune monitoring services for clinical and translational studies. Our services support research efforts to characterize the immune system in disease settings, including autoimmunity and cancer.

We perform advanced bioinformatics, high-parameter flow cytometry, microbiome sequencing, scRNA-seq analysis and spatial sequencing. We also offer consultation on:

  • Experimental design and sample collection
  • Innovative approaches to evaluate immune responses in clinical studies
  • Optimal project-specific immunologic assessment

Our laboratory is certified by Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA). We provide cancer investigators access to IMADSR’s state-of-the-art facility within the Institute for Regenerative Cures in Sacramento.

Features of our lab include:

  • Automated assays to improve reproducibility
  • Cryostorage systems for biobanking specimens
  • Fully equipped tissue culture room with laminar hoods, tissue culture incubators, two Eppendorf centrifuges, microscope and water bath
  • High-parameter, fully automated flow cytometer
  • Infrastructure for sample collection, processing and storage with dedicated -20°C and -80°C freezers and liquid nitrogen storage
  • Patient specimen processing and storage with electronic sample management and tracking systems


Basic services

The IMADSR supports cancer studies with a wide range of services and capabilities. Our basic services include: 

  • Gene expression profiling (Illumina-based whole transcriptome sequencing, qRT-PCR arrays, etc.)
  • Immune cell profiling using flow cytometry, such as intracellular cytokine detection and cell surface phenotyping
  • Immune cellular assays, including CFSE dilution, antigen-specific and non-specific responses and cytokine production
  • Multiplex analyte detection (Luminex-based multiplex assays)

Advanced and Specialized Services

Beyond our standard services and consultations, we also offer:

  • Diagnostic tests: Our CLIA-certified laboratory runs diagnostic tests including TCR and BCR rearrangement studies.
  • Single-cell sequencing: We perform state-of-the-art single-cell sequencing services including CITE-Seq, REAP-Seq, scTCR/BCR-seq and targeted scRNA-Seq. Our team has expertise in isolating cells from various sources, such as the skin, tumor or intestines. We perform all analyses in-house.
  • Specimen banking: We provide patient specimen processing and storage using electronic sample management and tracking systems. This includes sample acquisition, isolation, storage and distribution according to verified and validated standard SOPs. This ensures consistent processes for all research activities from sample to sample, investigator to investigator and study to study. The IMADSR has established processing protocols for peripheral blood samples, as well as samples using skin, tumors, saliva and urine.

Investigators have access to IMADSR’s advanced instruments and equipment, including:

  • 10X Genomics Chromium X Series Controller
  • Agilent 2200 TapeStation
  • Bio-Plex 200 System capable of multiplexing up to 100 analytes simultaneously in a single well (using only 25 µl of sample)
  • Eppendorf epMotion® 5075t
  • Illumina high-speed shakers with thermo capabilities
  • MiSeq™ next generation sequencer
  • Nikon Eclipse TS100 fluorescence microscope and camera
  • Stratedigm S1000 spectral flow cytometer with six lasers and 34 colors; equipped with A700 High Throughput Hotel
  • QiaCube robot for automated nucleic acid isolation
  • Qiagen TissueLyser II
  • Qubit Fluorometer
  • Tecan Infinite® M1000 PRO microplate reader capable of 3D imaging and top and bottom reads

PCR instrumentation:

  • Bio-Rad 96-well PCR machines
  • Bio-Rad CFX96 quantitative real-time PCR system
  • Bio-Rad Droplet Digital™ PCR system
  • PCR cabinet workstations

[Awaiting current rate information from .] Refer rates excel spreadsheet

Subsidized Rates for Cancer Center Members

Members of the cancer center receive priority access and subsidized rates for Shared Resources services. Not yet a member? Learn about the benefits and privileges of cancer center membership

Our team is here to help advance your cancer investigation. Fill out a request to use our services.

NOTE: A PPMS account is required. Set up a PPMS accountView our quick start guide for creating an account or set up an account.

For more information about IMADSR services and capabilities, please contact:

Emanuel Maverakis, M.D. : 916-734-2156, Email

Andrea Gompers: Email


The IMADSR is located within the Institute for Regenerative Cures: 2921 Stockton Blvd., Suite 1630, Sacramento, CA 95817

  • Blood borne pathogens: Anyone who obtains specimens from the BRSR should have adequate training in the use of blood borne pathogens. Learn more about blood-borne pathogens from UC Davis Safety Services.
  • Indemnification: Investigators must agree to indemnify and hold harmless UC Davis Comprehensive Cancer Center and UC Davis from any claims, costs, damages or expenses resulting from any injury (including death), damage or loss that may arise from the use of specimens provided by the Biorepository.
  • Risks and responsibilities: Each investigator assumes all risks and responsibilities for the receipt, handling, storage and use of specimens. Investigators receiving specimens also assume full responsibility for informing and training personnel of the dangers and procedures for safely handling human specimens.
  • Specimen handling: The BRSR attempts to avoid supplying contaminated specimens. Handle all specimens as if potentially infectious. The BRSR accepts no responsibility for any injury (including death), damage or loss that may arise either directly or indirectly from their use.


CCSG Acknowledgement: research reported in this publication was supported by the National Cancer Institute of the National Institutes of Health under award number P30CA093373. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health.

IMADSR Acknowledgement: the authors wish to acknowledge the support of the UC Davis Comprehensive Cancer Center Immune Modeling, Analysis and Diagnostics Shared Resource, supported by the National Cancer Institute of the National Institutes of Health under award number P30CA093373. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health.

This resource is funded by the Cancer Center Support Grant (CCSG) awarded by the National Cancer Institute (NCI P30CA093373). Publications that have utilized facility resources, services or scientific data generated by the resource should acknowledge the resource or the assistance provided by resource staff and cite the NCI CCSG. An electronic copy of the publication should also be sent to the resource directors.

National Institutes of Health (NIH) public access policy