Emergency Medicine Ultrasound Fellowship
The UC Davis Health System Department of Emergency Medicine offers a one year Emergency Ultrasound fellowship. Fellows spend significant amount of time performing, reviewing and supervising emergency ultrasound examinations. They will be an integral part of the Departmental Ultrasound Quality Improvement review process. Fellows will participate in resident ultrasound training as well a medical student ultrasound education. Fellows will have significant scanning time and time to perform research, if interested. Fellows will develop skills in ultrasound program administration, ultrasound education and training, quality improvement, and advanced ultrasound applications. Our fellowship is currently in the process of preparing for accreditation to the Emergency Ultrasound Fellowship Accreditation Council so that our graduating fellows will be eligible to sit for the Focused Practice Designation exam in Advanced Emergency Medicine Ultrasonography.
Interested applicants should contact Ken Kelley, M.D or Sam Tate, M.D. Emergency Ultrasound Fellowship Co-Directors or visit the Society of Clinical Ultrasound Fellowships website for more information and application to our fellowship
Applicants must have completed an ACGME approved Emergency Medicine training program.
Kenneth Michael Kelley, M.D.
Assistant Professor and Co-Director, Advanced Emergency Medicine Ultrasonography Fellowship Program
Department of Emergency Medicine
4301 X St.
PSSB 2100
Sacramento, CA 95817
phone: 916-734-5793
email: kkelley@ucdavis.edu
Samuel J Tate, M.D.
Assistant Professor and Co-Director, Advanced Emergency Medicine Ultrasonography Fellowship Program
Department of Emergency Medicine
4301 X St.
PSSB 2100
Sacramento, CA 95817
phone: 916-734-5793
email: sjtate@ucdavis.edu
International Ultrasound
Ultrasound has emerged as one of the most important diagnostic tools in the low and limited resource health setting. There exists a body of knowledge, skill set, modes of educational delivery, and research unique to this field. UC Davis has several past and ongoing collaborative projects that bridge the gap of global health and ultrasound. As a resident, fellow or faculty member you are encouraged to participate and make significant contributions.
Vietnam Children's Hospital, Hanoi
Uganda- Global Emergency Care (GEC)
Christine McBeth, D.O., M.P.S.H.
Assistant Professor and Director of International Ultrasound
Department of Emergency Medicine
4301 X St.
PSSB 2100
Sacramento, CA 95817
email: cmcbeth@ucdavis.edu
Kenneth Michael Kelley, M.D.
Assistant Professor and Co-Director, Advanced Emergency Medicine Ultrasonography Fellowship Program
Department of Emergency Medicine
4301 X St.
PSSB 2100
Sacramento, CA 95817
phone: 916-734-5793
email: kkelley@ucdavis.edu