Malignant Hematology/Cellular Therapy and Transplantation (MH/CTT) | Department of Internal Medicine | UC Davis Health

Complete, Thorough and Personalized Care

Malignant Hematology/Cell Therapy, Transplant

We prevent, diagnose, and treat blood cancer and other life-threatening diseases.

A man having blood drawn.

Malignant Hematology/Cell Therapy, Transplant

Malignant Hematology/Cellular Therapy and Transplantation

The region’s first bone marrow transplant took place at UC Davis in 1993. Today the MH/CTT Division at the UC Davis Comprehensive Cancer Center is one of the most experienced of its kind in Northern California. We provide a full range of transplant options, including autologous, matched-related and unrelated transplants, and our success rates meet or exceed national averages.

Our department is designated as a National Marrow Donor Program (NMDP) Transplant Center, giving UC Davis patients access to more than 22 million registered stem cell donors worldwide, and more than 600,000 units of donated cord blood. The program participates in national clinical trials through cooperative groups supported by the National Cancer Institute.


Personalized Care

Our specialists are dedicated to providing comprehensive, compassionate and personalized care to our patients, stem cell donors, caregivers and families.

New and Current Patients

Appointments and Referrals

Whether you are seeking everyday health care or need specialty care for a specific medical problem, we are here to help.

Doctor Rosenberg talking to patient