During the 2018-2019 academic year, Dr. Sharad Jain initiated a pilot program with a small group of coaches serving students pursuing their Doctor of Medicine (MD) at the UC Davis School of Medicine, using hard work and student feedback to structure a coaching program to meet the needs of our student body. (Academic Coaching: An Innovative Tool in Medical Education).

Beginning in academic year 2019-2020, Dr. Micaela Godzich became the program’s inaugural Director and mentored approximately 15 clinical faculty as we learned about the essential values and efficacy of coaching students through the incredibly challenging and rewarding journey of becoming a physician. 

Over the past 4+ years, coaches continue to form enduring relationships with students based upon a culture of safety, trust, inclusion, and the conviction that all students (and coaches!) can find meaning and become better clinicians via a “growth mindset.” We meet regularly for coaching development sessions to continuously improve the skills that we offer students and also to constantly assess how best to support students at the UC Davis School of Medicine. 

With the support of the School of Medicine, the coaching program serves all medical students, and we continue to expand and refine the ways in which we serve and support students. 

This academic year, we look forward to both forming and strengthening bonds with our students and learning from them as we help them grow into the best physicians that they can be. We're both proud and honored to be part of your journey.  


Rory Kamerman-Kretzmer