The School of Medicine has seven standing committees that report to the Faculty Executive Committee (FEC). Three of those committees, the Admissions Committee, the Committee on Educational Policy (CEP), and the Committee on Student Promotions include Associate Deans from the Office of Medical Education as ex-officio members. 

As described in the School of Medicine's Bylaws and Regulations (PDF available on the FEC website) CEP oversees the medical education program as a whole with responsibility for the overall design, management, integration, evaluation and enhancement of a coherent and coordinated medical curriculum consistent with the Liaison Committee on Medical Education (LCME) standards. To accomplish this shared governance responsibility, CEP meets weekly and collaborates with its three advisory committees to assist in oversight. The advisory committees are the Curriculum Enrichment Advisory Committee (CEAC), the Curriculum Evaluations and Outcomes Advisory Committee (CEOAC), and the Curriculum Steering Advisory Committee (CSAC). Curriculum Enrichment's focus is on elective experiences, Curriculum Evaluations and Outcomes utilizes data from course assessment results and evaluations to provide direction and support on assessments, data collection, and evaluations, and Curriculum Steering is responsible for the oversight of the required curriculum, which includes input from the Pre-Clerkship Workgroup, the Clerkship Directors Workgroup, and the Clinical Skills Workgroup. The School of Medicine’s Bylaws and Regulations detail the membership, duties, and responsibilities of each committee.

Oversight Committees Flowchart PDF

Curriculum Committee and Workgroup Chairs

Committee on Educational Policy (CEP) - Melody Hou, M.D., M.P.H.

Curriculum Enrichment Advisory Committee (CEAC) - Lorin Scher, M.D.

Curriculum Evaluations and Outcomes Advisory Committee (CEOAC) - Aaron Danielson, M.D.

Curriculum Steering Advisory Committee (CSAC) - Karnjit Johl, M.D.

Pre-Clerkship Workgroup - Anthony Bhe, M.D.

Clerkship Directors Workgroup - Melody Hou, M.D., M.P.H.

Clinical Skills Workgroup - Jennifer Plant, M.D., M.Ed.