Information for Current Medical Students
myRecordTracker for Compliance
All students must remain in compliance with required items at all times. You will receive notices from your myRecordTracker account. Please upload documents to your compliance items on or before their due date.
Need technical help with uploading documents or with your password? Email
Have questions about your compliance requirements? Email
Planned Educational Leave Program (PELP)
The Planned Educational Leave Program (PELP) allows students to suspend academic work for at least a quarter and, at most, one year. Completed applications for PELP may be filed as late as the 10th day of instruction during the quarter for which the student is requesting a leave. However, approved applications submitted after the first day of the quarter will result in a partial refund of fees paid or retraction of unpaid fees, in accordance with the Schedule of Refunds. The effective refund date is the date the PELP is submitted to the SOM Registrar’s Office and it is presumed that no university services will be provided after that date.
PELP process:
- Email and request the PELP paperwork. This enables us to track who is planning to go on leave so we can follow-up accordingly.
- Email or meet with representatives in the following offices:
- Financial Aid - Adam Peterson
- Curriculum - 1st and 2nd year students - Dana Reed
- 3rd year students - Linda Rodriguez
- 4th year students - Dina McHugh
- Student Affairs - Sharad Jain Associate Dean of Students
- Once you have discussed with the above representatives, send the completed PELP form to
The Registrar's Office is the last step and will sign off and process your PELP leave.
Updating Lived Name
For further information, visit the Office of the University Registrar web page.
UC Davis recognizes that many of its students use a first name other than their legal first name.
Therefore, the university provides students to choose to identify themselves within the university’s information systems with a lived (preferred) name in addition to their legal name. It is further understood that the student's lived (preferred name) should be used in university communications and reporting, except where the use of the legal name is necessitated by university business or legal requirement.
This name will appear instead of legal name in the UC Davis Campus Directory and in other university records and documents. Some records, such as paychecks or financial aid, that require the use of a legal name, will not change to lived (preferred name).
You may specify your lived (preferred) first name by editing the UC Davis Campus Directory. By updating your display first name in the directory, this will serve as your lived (preferred) name, and it will appear in your directory profile and other records.
Frequently Asked Questions
When will my lived (preferred) name_ appear in university systems?
Once you set a lived (preferred name), allow 48-72 hours for it to be displayed in other systems.
Will my lived (preferred) name appear or be used everywhere in university systems?
Not at this time. The university is currently working towards a solution to have lived (preferred) name appear in all university systems.
How can I set my lived (preferred) name?
Using the UC Davis Campus Directory, search for your name, and then select Update my UC Davis directory listing. Edit the First Name field, and then select Submit to set your lived (preferred name). This change will propagate systems that use the lived (preferred) name within 48-72 hours.
May I specify a lived (preferred) middle or last name?
Not at this time. Lived (preferred) name only applies to your first name at this time. The university is currently working towards a solution to change your lived (preferred) last name. Although you may edit your middle and last display name in the UC Davis Campus Directory, these names will not propagate into other university systems.
Can I set my lived (preferred) name to whatever I want?
Students may determine and designate a lived (preferred) name that they want to be known by in university systems. The University reserves the right to remove a preferred name if it contains inappropriate or offensive language, or is being used for misrepresentation.
When/why will campus departments use my legal name?
Some campus departments interact with, and send reports to federal, State and other government agencies that verify the identity of students using the legal name.
How do I get a new AggieCard with my lived (preferred) name?
After setting your lived (preferred) name in the UC Davis Campus Directory, please allow 48-72 hours for your lived (preferred) name to propagate to the Student AggieCard system. Request a new AggieCard at the AggieCard Office in 253 Memorial Union.
How much does a new AggieCard cost?
A $15.00 replacement fee will apply.
How do I update my name on my email address?
The article below covers how (and where) the student will need to submit the request from. The section for the Mail ID Rename/Change is close to the bottom and there is link to the form needing completion.
KB0000224 : Name, Email or LoginID Rename/Change
There is a restriction on prefixes for email addresses, which limits the prefix to a maximum of 3 characters, and then the last name.
Insurance Information for Class of 2025
The University of California requires that all students have health insurance. Our Insurance Package includes: Western Health Advantage for Medical, Premier Access for Dental and Vision Service Plan (VSP) for Vision. Insurance coverage is also available for spouses and dependents.
Students do have the option to complete an insurance waiver and waive-out of our coverage. However, our insurance coverage is a package deal, meaning if waived out, students will no longer have our medical, dental or vision coverage. Please see our Insurance Waiver Form (PDF) for additional information and coverage requirements.
If you have any additional questions or concerns about your medical, dental or vision insurance, please contact the Registrar's Office,
Insurance Forms
Insurance Enrollment or Change form (PDF)
Insurance Waiver Form (PDF)
General Information
School of Medicine Health Insurance Package Fee Structure | ||||
Student/Dependent | Summer Quarter 2024 | Fall Quarter 2024 | Winter Quarter 2025 | Spring Quarter 2025 |
Student (Self) | $1,300.00 | $1,664.00 | $1,664.00 | $1,664.00 |
Self + 1 | $2,600.00 | $3,328.00 | $3,328.00 | $3,328.00 |
Self + 2 (or more) | $3,900.00 | $4,992.00 | $4,992.00 | $4,992.00 |
July | October | January | April |
August | November | February | May |
September | December | March | June |
The University of California requires that all students have health insurance at all times. The School-sponsored insurance package includes: Western Health Advantage for medical, Premier Access for dental and Vision Service Plan (VSP) for vision. Insurance coverage is also available for spouses and dependents.
The School of Medicine health insurance coverage is a package deal; you may not choose your own combination or variation of insurance coverage.
School of Medicine insurance fees are charged to your student account each quarter along with your registration fees. You are required to pay these fees quarterly unless you have an approved insurance waiver on file with the School of Medicine Registrar’s Office.
Students who have health insurance may choose to waive out of the School of Medicine insurance package. To do this, complete the Insurance Waiver Form and provide the required proof of medical insurance to the School of Medicine Registrar’s Office.
All incoming students are required to complete an Insurance Enrollment Form. The enrollment form is good for the duration of each student’s participation in the UC Davis M.D. program. Incoming students may additionally provide an Insurance Waiver Form and the required proof of medical insurance.
Students who waive out of the UC Davis WHA insurance package are required to provide evidence of insurance annually. Failure to provide evidence of insurance by the date your annual insurance expires, as listed in your myRecordTracker account, will result in enrollment in the WHA insurance package and you will be charged all applicable fees. Once enrolled and charged fees for the WHA insurance package, the student may terminate coverage only after providing evidence of outside coverage. The effective date of termination is dependent on when the student provides evidence of outside insurance coverage. If provided between the 1st – 10th of the month, termination will apply to 1st date of that month. If provided between the 11th – 31st, termination will apply to 1st day of the following month. There will be no waiver or reimbursement of previously charged fees.
Copayment Summaries
Medical: Western Health Advantage (PDF)
Dental: Benefit Schedule Information (PDF)
Vision: Vision Service Plan (VSP) (PDF)
Additional Coverage Information
Medical: Western Health Advantage
2021 Annual Insurance Update (PDF)
How to Access Your Benefits (PDF)
Health Benefits Overview (PDF)
Chiropractic and Acupuncture Care (PDF)
Infertility Benefit Infertility Benefit (PDF)
Creditable Coverage on Prescriptions (PDF)
Behavioral Health Coverage
If you are enrolled in the Student Health Insurance Package, Magellan is your behavioral health insurance coverage (through Western Health Advantage).
Students do not need to see their PCP for a referral. Please use the information below to schedule an appointment:
Magellan Behavioral Health Coverage (through WHA) (Behavioral health, go to “ contact us” and the member section)
Phone number: 800-424-1778
Dental: Premier Access
General Dental Information
Contacting Premier Access (PDF)
Certificate of Dental Insurance (PDF)
Premier Advantage Information Brochure (PDF)
Premier Access Website Navigation (PDF)
UC Davis Medical Center Premier Advantage Option FAQs (PDF)
Current Coverage (PPO)
Benefit Schedule Information (PDF)
Pre-Authorization Summary (PDF)
Switch to HMO Plan
Premier Access Dental coverage offers students the option of a PPO or DHMO plan for their dental needs. The PPO plan offers more flexibility in dentists to choose from, while the DHMO provides coverage for major dental procedures. Students are automatically enrolled in the PPO plan at this time. Please contact our office if you require more information or if you wish to change your coverage type.
DHMO 500 Benefits - Summary and Copay Schedule (PDF)
Vision: Vision Service Plan (VSP)
VSP Member Grievance Policy (PDF)
UC Davis Student Health and Counseling Services
The Student Health Centers (SHC) at each University of California campus gladly offers reciprocal access to SHC services to currently registered students from all other UC campuses under the same conditions that apply to its own students who are not enrolled in its campus Student Health Insurance Plan (SHIP).
Registered student from other UC campuses are eligible for UC Davis SHS services at student rates. Dates of eligibility are determined according to the UC Davis class schedule and academic calendar. These patients are required to pay at the time of service.
More Information:
Eligibility and Billing -
Main site -
Immunization Services -
Disability Insurance
Please email for disability insurance information.
Mandatory Long Term Disability Insurance
Disability insurance fees are mandatory and apply to M.D. students only. The annual disability insurance fee will be assessed to medical student accounts every fall quarter. The School of Medicine M.D. Degree Program Student Fee Schedule includes information concerning disability insurance fee rates and availability, which is offered during orientation. Please email for more information on disability insurance.