Director: Barbara Shacklett, Ph.D.
Technical Director: Bridget McLaughlin

The Flow Cytometry Shared Resource, or FCSR, provides state-of-the-art cell sorting and analytical cytometry services, as well as cytometry education, to members of the UC Davis Comprehensive Cancer Center, and to researchers at UC Davis and other public and private research organizations.

Flow Cytometry ONLINE Workshop - Coming Feb. 2025

This UC Davis online course offers comprehensive flow cytometry training, covering everything from instrument basics to advanced data analysis and troubleshooting, all led by experienced instructors with live interactive sessions.

Research support for flow cytometry and cell sorting

Bridget McLaughlin and Jonathan Van Dyke

Cell sorting and analytical cytometers are located at three sites in Davis and Sacramento for research use on a recharge basis. The Davis and Sacramento laboratories are managed by Bridget McLaughlin, technical director, and Jonathan Van Dyke, technical manager, who operate the cell sorters for assisted sorting on an appointment basis and provide training to investigators in acquiring data on the analytic cytometers.

With a combined 30-plus years of flow cytometry expertise, the FCSR staff  provide operator-assisted cell sorting services, advise users on experiment design for flow cytometry, provide training to enable independent use of the analytical cytometers, and familiarize investigators with popular data analysis software tools such as FlowJo, BD FACSDiva and other software tools.


This resource is funded by the UC Davis Comprehensive Cancer Center Support Grant (CCSG) awarded by the National Cancer Institute (NCI P30CA093373). Publications that have utilized facility resources, services or scientific data generated by the resource should acknowledge the resource or the assistance provided by resource staff and cite the NCI CCSG. An electronic copy of the publication should also be sent to the resource directors.

National Institutes of Health (NIH) public access policy