All fees are exclusive of overhead and non-refundable.

Research Administration

  • Protocol evaluation, which includes type of imaging, reading, acquisition parameters, determinations, and estimates (if applicable).
  • Completion of site surveys and questionnaires.
  • Attendance in training, meetings and conferences (on-site or off, teleconferences, webinars) by administrator or clinical research staff as needed for each study.
  • Review and facilitate requests for special services. Separate fees apply for special services provided by radiologists, physicists, technologists and staff beyond standard of care.

Study Start-Up and Research Administration

Internal (UC)/Federally Funded: $697
External (not-for-profit): $947
External (for profit): $1276

Procedures and Scans by CPT Code

Research rates for procedures and scans by CPT code may be found by using the Clinical and Translational Science Center (CTSC) EPIC Cost Query Tool.

Special Services

  • Special reporting and interpretation requirements; tumor measurements
  • Radiation dosimetry, quality control and assurance tests, phantom calibrations and other study requirements that may require the services of a medical physicist (CT or MRI)
  • Reading and interpretation for imaging scans performed hourly and non-CPT driven
  • Special post-processing of image datasets previously acquired in UC Davis scanners
  • Multimodality imaging requirements and multiple scanner setups by technologist or modality supervisor
  • Attendance in training, meetings and conferences (on-site or off, teleconferences, webinars) by radiologists or technologists as needed for each study
  • Other services that may be required above and beyond standard of care

Radiologist Time (Per Hour)

Internal (UC)/Federally Funded: $334
External (not-for-profit): $454
External (for profit): $613

Physicist Time (Per Hour)

Internal (UC)/Federally Funded: $193
External (not-for-profit): $262
External (for profit): $394

Radiology Technologist Time (Per Hour)

Internal (UC)/Federally Funded: $167
External (not-for-profit): $227
External (for profit): $306

Tumor Measurements

Tumor measurements are the standardized evaluation of tumor response to treatment in clinical oncology. The reading radiologist provides measurements which the oncologist uses to make treatment decisions for clinical research participants.

Internal (UC)//Federally Funded: $75
External (not-for-profit): $102
External (for profit): $153

Integrated Radiology Imaging Science (IRIS) Lab Rates

The Integrated Radiology Imaging Science (IRIS) Lab provides image processing and analysis services for basic and clinical research. The IRIS lab comprises IT infrastructure for comprehensive medical imaging processing and analysis, and has staff available to coordinate, plan, execute and analyze imaging datasets produced by the research MRI, PET, and CT scanners.

The image processing service includes image registration, tissue segmentation, normalization, quantitative physiological parameter estimation, diffusion tensor estimation, lesion segmentation, manual segmentation, and image fusion of multiple modalities.

The lab also operates and maintains a programmable computer-controlled gas delivery system, the RespirAct™, to control arterial CO2 and O2 in spontaneously breathing participants. Changing the partial pressure of these gases in the blood is done to stimulate blood flow response in organs which can then be monitored using imaging technology.

The lab is located with the Department of Radiology in the Ambulatory Care Center (ACC) building at 4860 Y Street in Sacramento. Get Directions

Single Image Processing

Services focusing on a single imaging type, such as lesion segmentation, perfusion imaging, diffusion imaging, or spectroscopy.

Internal (UC)/Federally Funded: $173
External: $235

Multimodal Image Processing

Services involving the fusion of multiple imaging types, such as template-based perfusion or diffusion imaging, MRI-CT, and MRI-PET.

Internal (UC)/Federally Funded: $198
External: $270

Manual Segmentation

Services that require manual image segmentation, involving manual input via a tablet monitor, such as for lesion segmentation.

Internal (UC)/Federally Funded: $123
External: $168

RespirAct™ Rates

Internal (UC)/Federally Funded: $396
External: $539