Patient Navigators | UC Davis Health

Patient Navigators


Our New Integrated Service Lines

For patients in many health systems (and from our own experience), a cancer diagnosis results in a series of referrals to various specialists and diagnostic facilities, often weeks apart, leaving patients feeling overwhelmed, bewildered and alone. UC Davis Comprehensive Cancer Center is changing all of that, for the better. Our new Integrated Service Lines (ISL) program ties all those loose ends together for you.

We’ve made sure that you’ll never be alone on this journey, thanks to our patient navigators. They will help you understand all of the options at your disposal and will make certain that you gain timely access to the responsive care that you deserve.


What Your Patient Navigators Will Do for You

After you schedule an appointment with our Lung-LEAD Clinic or a UC Davis lung cancer clinician, one of our navigators will contact you to:

  • Make sure you have all the records, tests and lab results you’ll need.
  • Verify authorization from your medical insurer.
  • Help schedule tests and physician appointments.
  • Make certain you’re not becoming overwhelmed or stressed.
  • Help coordinate procedures for patients who enroll in clinical trials.

While the path to remission and recovery can be complicated, your patient navigator from our Lung Cancer Integrated Service Line team will guide you throughout your journey.

Patient navigators
New patient referrals

About Our Thoracic Oncology Program

UC Davis Health in Sacramento offers top-notch thoracic cancer care through its renowned team of medical oncologists, surgeons, and researchers. This comprehensive program, led by Jonathan Riess, M.D., provides personalized treatment plans and cutting-edge approaches, making it unnecessary for patients to seek care outside the area.

Why UC Davis Is for You

UC Davis Health is the top choice for thoracic cancer treatment, offering unmatched expertise, transparent reporting, specialized early detection clinics, innovative telehealth services, cutting-edge research, holistic care, and a strong commitment to equity for every patient.

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