Industry Day | UC Davis Health

A Beautiful (Industry) Day

By Jason Nietupski

UC Davis Health Facilities Planning & Development Division (FP&D) hosted its first annual Industry Day partnering event on October 21, 2022. Industry Day was an opportunity for FP&D to connect with industry partners – such as design professionals and contractors – to review our capital program and discuss upcoming business opportunities. Industry Day was a huge success, with over 500 registrations between the in-person or virtual event.

Exceeding $7.5 Billion, UC Davis Health is executing the largest capital program for a health system in the United States today. During our presentationFP&D staff shared with participants the projects that are in our pipeline for the next 12 months, including opportunities for design professionals and trade contractors.

Jason Nietupski presenting at Industry Day
Jason Nietupski presents our portfolio at Industry Day

FP&D staff also presented the new University of California program to shelter a portion of our contracts to small and disabled veteran owned businesses. In addition to the presentations, Industry Day featured exhibitors, including representatives from DGS who helped potential vendors learn how to obtain certifications that allow them to become part of our new sheltered bidding pool.

Other exhibitors included general contractors working on major projects for UC Davis Health – the California Tower (McCarthy), 48X Complex (DPR), Folsom MOB (Rudolph and Sletten), and Aggie Square (Whiting-Turner). The contractors had their exhibiting tables in the Betty Irene Moore courtyard outside of the presentation room and many in-person attendees stayed past the end of the conference networking and enjoying Sacramento’s beautiful October weather.

We heard positive feedback from those who attended our partnership event. Based on your comments, we intend to expand the Industry Day event next year to allow more partners to attend in person. Thank you to all the attendees for your enthusiasm and partnership and to the planners of this year’s event. We welcome any additional feedback on how to better next year’s Industry Day. We look forward to seeing you there!

Industry Day Presentation Slide Deck