Physical and Environmental Planning |Facilities Planning and Development | UC Davis Health


Physical and Environmental Planning

Ensuring that the physical development of the campus aligns with UC Davis Health’s mission and strategic goals.

overhead shot of people at conference table

Physical and Environmental Planning Office Responsibilities:

  • Authoring and overseeing implementation of UC Davis Health’s Long Range Development Plan (LRDP), LRDP EIR, Physical Design Framework, and Campus Master Plan
  • Preparing district and neighborhood planning guides
  • Performing site suitability analyses and selection of appropriate site(s) for all campus projects
  • Anticipating the future needs of campus and performance of long-term planning, beyond the LRDP 
  • Preparing of campus circulation and open space studies
  • Preparing project feasibility studies 
  • Advising project designers on physical planning issues
  • Coordinating of land use concerns with the community, city, and county governments
  • Coordinating UC Davis Health campus development with UC Davis’ Office of Environmental Planning

Physical and Environmental Plans: 

Contact Us

Matt Dulcich, AICP
Director of Facilities Planning

Heather Davis 
Interim Director of Environmental Planning

rendering of Aggie Square project

Aggie Square

Aggie Square, a planned innovation hub on UC Davis’ Sacramento campus will be home to research programs, private industry partners, classrooms, student housing, and public-facing programs that engage local communities and entrepreneurs. The first phase of construction began in 2022 with a 2025 anticipated completion. This phase includes two buildings designed for science, technology, and engineering, a classroom building dedicated to lifelong learning, and a building designated for housing and programs that focus on food and health. 

Neighborhood Outreach

We understand the impact that construction projects have on our neighboring communities. The UC Davis Health Government and Community Relations department guides our department’s interactions with the neighborhood. The Community Advisory Board’s Planning Committee focuses on the development of the campus' physical infrastructure and the development of a diverse and talented workforce. We are committed to the UC Davis Health’s Anchor Institution Mission.

two young men shaking hands