FAQs | Volunteer Services | UC Davis Health

Frequently Asked Questions

How is my volunteer placement decided?​
It is decided based on the volunteer's availability and the units that are accepting volunteers. It is very helpful to be aware of your scheduling conflicts and areas of interest for volunteering. Volunteer placements require a regular block of time every week.​

How often do I have to volunteer?​
The minimum requirement is four hours once a week for six (6) months. Our hope is that you will continue beyond the minimum commitment.​

What is the minimum age requirement?​
Volunteers must be at least 16 years old. High school students will be part of our VolunTeen Program.​

When can I start volunteering?​
After meeting all the volunteer requirements, a volunteer ID badge is issued to volunteers. At that time volunteers can start volunteering in their assigned area. All volunteers are required to always wear their volunteer ID badge and a volunteer issued yellow polo, or department issued attire.​

What can volunteers do?​
Volunteers play a key role in which unit they are assigned. The scoped of volunteer duties can differ from unit to unit but as a volunteer you can expect to support the clinical personnel team by answering phones, stock and deliver care items to patients, run errands to pharmacy, refill supplies, and much more.​

Can I change departments because there is nothing to do?​
We highly recommend speaking with the clinical nurse, Hospital Unit Service Coordinator, or supervisor to see if there is any work that can be done in your department.​

Can I volunteer in two different departments?​
Not at this time.​

What if I have a vacation coming up and it will require me to miss one of my shifts?​
We suggest you inform the department you are volunteering in that you will not be making your shift at that time. If your vacation take you away for more than three shifts, please contact our department at 916-734-2401.