Second-year physician assistant, family nurse practitioner students recognized during white coat ceremony
The master’s-degree physician assistant and family nurse practitioner classes of 2022 celebrate after receiving their white coats in a ceremony Sept. 30.
When COVID-19 restrictions halted gatherings at the Betty Irene Moore School of Nursing at UC Davis in 2020, the new physician assistant and family nurse practitioner students who started classes that summer opted to wait for their white coat ceremony until they could celebrate together. After a year of waiting, the classes of 2022 were officially recognized in their own White Coat Ceremony Sept. 30.
The students gathered with faculty and staff at Betty Irene Moore Hall as family and friends watched the event on Facebook Live.
The white coat ceremony is a tradition to recognize students who seek a role in clinical practice. The white coats symbolize the responsibilities they accept in caring for individuals, including competent evidence-based and person-centered care, excellent interpersonal and communication, systems-based practice and the highest level of professionalism. The ceremony underscores those responsibilities and the students’ commitment to care for the people they come in contact with over the span of their careers.